Albina recently completed a great project for a curved steel roof at the M-Car Wash in Davie, Florida
Materials bent for this project included Tube Steel 10" X 4" X .250" WALL A500 GR B yielding 3 pieces. Albina cut the material to length, prepped and primered each piece. Tube Steel 10" X 4" X .375" WALL A500 GR B- yielding 12 pieces bent the hard way. Albina's scope of work was to bend, trim, holes, weld caps and grind per drawings. NOMMA #1 finish welds. Prep and prime paint after fabrication. Exposed. We also bent 3" SCH40 A500 GR B to yield 15 assemblies. Albina Cut, Fit, weld and grind per drawings. NOMMA #1 finish. Prep and Prime after fabrication.