Picture for category Bulb Flat

Bulb Flat

Albina Co. is an industry leader in bending bulb flat material. Bulb flat is similar to angle with one of the legs cut down to a very short "stub". We can bend bulb flat with the stem out and the stem in. We can bend all mill sizes produced up to 430 mm x 20 mm (16.93" wide x .787" thick). We bend all stock lengths as well as non-stock lengths.

Albina has been a supplier of bent bulb flat material for ship, barge and bridge building applications for the past 4 decades. Blub flat material is used in ship and barge building to reinforce steel plate (act as a stiffener). If you are unfamiliar with bulb flat material, it is a hot rolled product with a unique shape. It is flat, with a short tapered flange on one side. It looks like flat bar with one end having a tapered “stem" sticking out.

140 x 10 and 220 x 10 Bulb Flat for Marine Application.

Bulb Flat Rolled Material for Marine Application

Bulb Flat Rolled Material for Marine Application.

Bulb Flat Rolled Material for Marine Application

140 x 10 and 220 x 10 Bulb Flat for Marine Application.Bulb Flat Material Rolled for Marine Application

140 x 10 and 220 x 10 Bulb Flat for Marine Application.

Bulb Flat Material Rolled for Marine Application

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Capacities Chart

Section 3D Image 2D Image Photo Capacities
Bulb Flat Bulb flat in 2D image Bulb flat in 2D image Bulb flat in example photo All mill sized produced up to 430 mm x 20 mm (16.93" wide x .787" thick).