Picture for category Architectural & Structural

Architectural & Structural

UC Health Steadman Hawkins Clinic Denver in Englewood, Colorado.

UC Health Steadman Hawkins Denver Curved Steel Roof Truss

Portside Pier San Diego Bay, CA. (Photo Credit: Haley Hill Photography)

Hayward Field Stadium Roof and Tower (Photo Credit: Oregon Track & Field)

Living Waters Express Car Wash in Aurora, Colorado

Curved steel roof at the M-Car Wash in Davie, Florida

Peterson Auto Museum Curved Steel Roof Supports - Photo Courtesy of Zahner

The Spheres Curved Rectangular Tubing Web Roof Supports

Jan Shrem and Maria Manetti Shrem Museum of Art at UC Davis Curved AESS Roof

Disney Aulani Resort & Spa Curved Steel Roof Structure

Portland International Airport Curved Steel Structure

USS Arizona Memorial Visitors Center Curved Steel Roof Structure

Dale Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum Curved Steel Roof Trusses

Hummer Curved Steel Roof Trusses

Fred Meyer Curved Steel Roof Trusses

Portland International Airport Curved Steel Roof Structure

Newport Beach Civic Center & Park Curved Steel Roof Structure

Rio Vista Recreational Center Curved Steel Roof Trusses

San Diego Public Library Curved Steel Roof Dome

Curved Steel Roof Trusses

Rolled steel is more aesthetically appealing and attractive than "built-up" or "welded" sections. Rolled steel is not a “common” product. Projects that contain rolled steel are eye-catching, artistic and award-winning! The bending process does not affect the strength or structural integrity of the steel. Albina produces curved roof trusses for airports, stadiums, high rises, museums, hotels, shopping centers, and more.

Curved steel treehouse structures provide a tranquil break area for the employees of NVIDIA.

Curved steel treehouse structures provide a tranquil and relaxing break area for the employees of NVIDIA,

Curved Steel Canopy at Pacific Plaza in Dallas, TX.

"The Great Room" at the Madison Center in Seattle, WA. 

Curved Steel Bar at Ninkasi Brewing in Eugene, OR.

Curved Steel Canopy for the San Ramon United Methodist Church

Eli Lilly Biotech Center Curved Steel Entry

The Seattle Great Wheel Canopy - Curved Rectangular Tubing

BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit) Canopies on the Berkley Campus- Curved Rectangular Tubing

Chicago Cubs Spring Training Facility Curved Steel Structures

University of Phoenix Stadium Curved Structural Steel Entry Gates

Oregon State Student Experience Curved Steel Canopy

Sun Valley Music Pavilion Curved Steel Canopy

Harley Davidson Curved Steel Store Front

Dust Devil Stadium Curved Steel Canopy

St. Mary's Medical Center Curved Steel Entry-Way

Ultra Star Cinemas Curved Steel Entry-Way

LA Fitness Curved Steel Store FrontCurved Steel Roof LA Fitness Tualatin, Oregon


Alphonsus Medical Center Curved Steel Canopy

Utah Medical Center Curved Steel Store Front

Curved Steel Canopies, Entry-Ways and Store Fronts

Albina produces aesthetically appealing steel solutions for canopies, entry-ways, store fronts, parking garages, medical buildings, grocery stores, retail chains, shopping centers, movie theatres, etc.

Phil and Penny Knight Campus for Accelerating Scientific Impact (Credit: Campus Planning & Facilities Mgmt. U of O)

Barbara Walker Pedestrian Bridge along Portland’s Wildwood Trail in Portland, OR. Photo Credit: Ed Carpenter.

Williams Creek Shoup Bridge in Salem, Idaho (Photo Credit: Linda Ulery)

Riverview Park Aluminum Bridge

Aeriel Tree Walk at the Leach Botanical Gardens in Portland, OR.

127,000# of bent steel for a 230-foot long bicycle bridge along the South Bayfront in Emeryville, CA. Photo credit to Tom Loomis. 

Curved Steel South Bayfront Pedestrian and Bicycle Bridge

Basher Bridge at the San Diego Zoo.  24 lengths x 48 feet long, of 16” OD X .0625”  wall tubing rolled to various radii.

Basher Bridge Curved Steel Bridge at the San Diego Zoo

"Ironwood" Curved Steel Bridge at Chandler Gilbert Community College

Museum of Flight Curved Steel Bridge

Happy Hollow Zoo Curved Steel Bridge

Dry Creek Curved Steel Bridge

Denver Colorado HWY 36 Curved Steel Bridge

Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) Curved Steel

May Creek Curved Steel Bridge

PDX Union Station Curved Steel Bridge

Wagon Creek Curved Steel Bridge

Curved Steel Bridges

Albina produces architecturally designed pedestrian bridges and walk-ways erected at transportation stations, universities, museums, large businesses, state park, etc.

Various pieces of curved steel for "Migrations" by Olivia Pheonix displayed at Burning Man 2024. Photo by Mar Ricketts. 

Migrations at Burning Man by Olivia Pheonix

Damon Hyldreth's "Pheonix" bent and fabricated by Albina. @damon_hyldreth_sculpture

Bent and fabricated steel for

Various pieces of curved steel for Curtis Pittman's "Be The Light". Photo credit to Curtis Pittman. www.curtpittman.net

Curved steel for

Curved Steel Art Sculpture by @CreativeMachines.

ACB Globe Curved Steel Sculpture by Creative Machines

Damon Hyldreth's "Knot" bent and fabricated by Albina. @damon_hyldreth_sculpture

Bending and fabrication for

"Flourish" @ed_carpenter_artist or www.edcarpenter.net. Photo Credit: Mario Gallucci.

Goddard Space Center Sculpture by @creativemachines.

Goddard Space Center Sculpture by Creative Machines

Oak Harbor Curved Pipe Wind Sculpture Photos are © 2018 by Melissa Marteny

Curved Stainless Tubing "Heart" for Burning Man Festival

Curved Stainless Tubing "Molecule" by Larry Kirkland for Winona State University

"Clarity" Curved Steel Modern Art Sculpture

City Scope Curved Steel Modern Art Sculpture

Freemont Street Curved Steel Modern Art Sculpture

"Gateway Wings" Curved Steel Modern Art Sculpture

"Continuum Globe" Curved Steel Modern Art Sculpture

Don Merkt Curved Steel Art Sculpture

"Sundial" Curved Steel Art Sculpture

Tanner Springs Curved Steel Art Sculpture

“Space Plants” ranging from 8’ to 15’ high, located at the newly renovated and renamed Verdell Rutherford Park in Portland, OR.

“A Monumental Journey” by Kerry James Marshall for the Greater Des Moines Public Art Foundation. Photo MJ Rowe

Curved stainless steel art project for Camelback Commons in Arizona. Photo Credit: Creative Machines., Inc.

Devin Laurence Field produced the laser-­cut stainless steel flame sculpture and Albina Co., Inc. bent the red structural supports. 

Curved Steel Modern Art Sculptures

Albina produces modern art sculptures for businesses, government buildings, museums, courtyards, entry-ways, university buildings and common areas, parks and much more.

Curved Steel Bench

Spiral Curved Steel Table

Curved Steel Custom Chairs

Curved Steel Exercise Equipment Components

Curved Stainless Tubing Table Legs

Curved Aluminum Tubing Balance Chair

Curved Steel Furniture & Exercise Equipment

Albina produces component parts for exercise equipment for home and commercial gym systems. We also produce custom furniture including bed rails and frames, chairs and tables.

Jumbrotron at Hayward Field U of O Photo Credit: Cheryl Sproul and @brookesmithphotography

Jumbotron Hayward Field University of Oregon

Various pieces of bent tube steel for University of Colorado's Folsom Field Videoboard

Tube steel bent for University of Colorado's Folsom Field Videoboard

Various curved steel for North America's tallest scoreboard at the Denver Bronco's Empower Field in Colorado

Various curved steel for North America's tallest scoreboard at Denver Bronco's Empower Field

El Dorado Business Campus Curved Steel Sign

MET Bus Curved Steel Sign in Billings, Montana

Clackamas County Event Center Sign- Curved Pipe

Curt Gowdy State Park Curved Steel Sign

Montana Tech Football Curved Steel Sign

Portland Trailblazers Curved Steel Sign

Happy Hollow Zoo Curved Steel Sign

Evergreen High School Curved Steel Sign

East India Co. Curved Steel Sign

MODA Center Curved Steel Sign

Cedar Creek Public Market Curved Steel Sign

Village at the Peaks Curved Steel Sign

Happy Hollow Zoo Curved Steel Sign

East Ramp Airport Curved Steel Sign

Wolverine Crossing Shopping Center Curved Steel Sign

Buffalo Bill Cody Stampede Park Curved Steel Sign

Signage & Scoreboards

Architecturally appealing signs and scoreboards for stadiums, commercial, recreational, and transportation applications. Some projects include structural steel entry-ways and signage for state parks, zoos and campgrounds. Other applications include signage for public transportation stations, recreational facilities and commercial buildings.

Curved Pipe- Fencing for the Newberg to Dundee Highway Bypass

Curved Steel Fencing for Tri-Met Light rail Portland

Curved Steel Gate for Westgate Winter Condos

Curved Steel Gates for Transportation Application

Curved Steel Fencing for Bridge Crossing at Woodburn Factory Stores

Curved Steel Fence in Columbia Gorge

Decorative Gates and Fences

Decorative gates and fences for commercial, recreational, transportation and residential applications.