Capacities Chart

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Capacities Chart

Section3D Image2D ImagePhotoCapacities
Angle Leg OutAngle leg out 2D imageAngle leg out 2D imageAngle leg out example photoAll sizes through 8" x 8" x 1¼"
Angle Leg InAngle leg in 2D imageAngle leg in 2D imageAngle leg in example photoAll sizes through 8" x 8" x 1¼"
Angle Heel InAngle heel in 2D imageAngle heel in 2D imageAngle heel in photoAll sizes through 8" x 8" x 1¼"
Angle Heel OutAngle heel out 2D imageAngle heel out 2D imageAngle heel out photoAll sizes through 8" x 8" x 1¼"
Angle Heel UpAngle heel up 2D imageAngle heel up 2D imageAngle heel up photoAll sizes through 8" x 8" x 1¼"
Flat Bar the Hard WayFlat bar bent the hard way 2D imageFlat bar bent the hard way 2D imageFlat bar bent the hard way example photoAny thickness and size through 2½" x 16" (section is dependent on thickness to width)
Plate/Flat Bar the Easy WayFlat bar bent the easy way 2D imageFlat bar bent the easy way 2D imageFlat bar bent the easy way example photo*Plate: 2-1/2" plate up to 10'0" in width
*Flat Bar the Easy Way: Any thickness and size thru 4" x 22"
*section is dependent on thickness to width
Square BarSquare bar 2D imageSquare bar 2D imageSquare bar example photoAll Mill Produced Sizes
Round BarRound bar 2D imageRound bar 2D imageRound bar example photoAll Mill Produced Sizes
Beam the Easy Way (Y-Y Axis)Beam easy way 2D imageBeam easy way 2D imageBeam easy way example photoS3/W4 through W33 x 241#, W36 x 210# and W40 x 183#
Beam the Hard Way (X-X Axis)Beam hard way 2D imageBeam hard way 2D imageBeam hard way example photoS3/W4 through W36 x 230#
Channel Flanges InChannel flanges in 2D imageChannel flanges in 2D imageChannel flanges in example photoAll Mill Produced Sizes
Channel Flanges OutChannel flanges out 2D imageChannel flanges out 2D imageChannel flanges out example photoAll Mill Produced Sizes
Channel the Hard Way (X-X Axis)Channel hard way 2D imageChannel hard way 2D imageChannel hard way example photoAll Mill Produced Sizes
Rail Ball InRail ball in 2D imageRail ball in 2D imageRail ball in photoAll sizes up to approximately 175#
Rail Ball OutRail ball out 2D imageRail ball out 2D imageRail ball out example photoAll sizes up to approximately 175#
Rail Ball UpRail ball up 2D imageRail ball up 2D imageRail ball up example photoAll sizes up to approximately 175#
Round Tube & PipeRound tube 2D imageRound tube 2D imageRound tube example photoRoll/Cold Bending: 3⁄16" OD through 28" OD
Induction/Hot Bending: 6" OD through 20" OD
Rotary Draw/Mandrel Bending: ½" OD through 6" pipe (Sch80)
Rectangular Tube the Hard WayRectangular tube hard way 2D imageRectangular tube hard way 2D imageRectangular tube hard way example photo20" x 12" x .625" (Maximum mill produced size-bending capacity is greater)
Rectangular Tube the Easy WayRectangular tube easy way 2D imageRectangular tube easy way 2D imageRectangular tube easy way example photo20" x 12" x .625" (Maximum mill produced size-bending capacity is greater)
Square TubeSquare tube 2D imageSquare tube 2D imageSquare tube example photo16" x 16" x .625" (Maximum mill produced size-bending capacity is greater)
Square Tube DiagonallySquare tube diagonally 2D imageSquare tube diagonally 2D imageSquare tube diagonally example photo16" x 16" x .625" (Maximum mill produced size-bending capacity is greater)
Tee Stem InTee stem in 2D imageTee stem in 2D imageTee stem in example photoAll sizes through 12" Stems (weight per foot maximums would need to be calculated based on WF origin)
Tee Stem OutTee stem out 2D imageTee stem out 2D imageTee stem out example photoAll sizes through 12" Stems (weight per foot maximums would need to be calculated based on WF origin)
Tee Stem UpTee stem up 2D imageTee stem up 2D imageTee stem up example photoAll sizes through 12" Stems (weight per foot maximums would need to be calculated based on WF origin)
Bulb FlatBulb flat in 2D imageBulb flat in 2D imageBulb flat in example photoAll mill sized produced up to 430 mm x 20 mm (16.93" wide x .787" thick).