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The "Springfield Flame" Graces the Cover of the West Coast Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine!

The "Springfield Flame" Graces the Cover of the West Coast Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine!

Check out the cover spot and three page feature article on Albina Co., Inc. in the June/July West Coast Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine. Pages 24-26! Portland artist Devin Laurence Field produced the laser-­cut stainless steel flame sculpture and Albina Co., Inc. bent 18" STD A53B ERW 10 lens x 40 ft down to a 42 ft radius for the sculpture.

A2Z Manufacturing Curved Steel Artwork "Springfield Flame"

We had such a great time working with Linda and Kim to highlight and showcase all of the amazing curved steel projects we have done in Oregon, Washington, and California. Some projects featured in the article include:

Portland International Airport Curved Steel Canopy
Portland International Airport Canopy

Daly Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum  Curved Steel Roof
Dale Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum- Seattle, WA.

The Spheres Curved Steel Roof Supports
"The Spheres" Seattle, WA.