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Helical Bending for Spiral Staircases

Albina Co., Inc. is a world leader in helical bending.  Helical bent items are typically used as spiral stringers in “spiral” staircase projects.  The sections that Albina bends are for the stringer supports in a staircase for both residential and commercial construction projects.  The stringers Albina provides are unique in that we are not limited in size of material we work with nor the type of material.  We also do not “stuff” the stringer material with other “filler” type materials (which drastically increases the weight of your final product) to successfully bend.  We are able to bend all of our materials empty and are still able to contain distortion, crush and deformation- offering the highest quality end product in the industry.  We can bend HSS (square or rectangular material), Channel and Pipe from the smallest members to some of the largest sections available. In fact, we have provided stringers bent out of TS 20” x 12” x .500” material. Albina can also help with your fabrication needs! If you don’t want to deal with the headaches of fabrication and would prefer getting a fabricated assembly, we can help with that too!