Blog posts of '2010' 'September'

Stainless Steel Staircase Wins a Bronze Award in the 2009 Ernest Wiemann Top Job Competition
The design, fabrication and installation of Staircrafters Inc. ultra contemporary staircase, which was supported by a single, monolithic stringer bent by Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc., won a bronze award in the 2009 Ernest Wiemann Competition. The massive staircase contains 4,000 pounds of stainless steel, and is made from over 300 parts.  The most striking feature of the staircase is the giant stringer bent by Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc., which curves elegantly between the first and second floor.
Since the customer requested fabricated stringers instead of true HSS, Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc. bent and fabricated the TS 10" x 6" x .250" wall T304 stainless steel stringers out of 10" x 3" x .250" formed channel T304 stainless steel. Albina rolled and fabricated the stringers and the flat section at the top of the staircase.  The curved stringers were bent to a 117" center line plan view radius. All welds were ground smooth and the surface finished and polished to provide the appearance of a true seamless stringer.  All work was done to the highest of AESS standards.
Installation of a 60’ Curving Stainless Steel Staircase at to the new Thomas Jefferson School of Law
The Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, California is currently building a brand new $68.25 million downtown campus featuring a 177,000-square-foot school, a two-level library with surrounding balconies; a three-level underground parking structure; and ground-floor space for a law clinic, cafeteria, bookstore and retail store.  Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc. bent the recently installed 60’curving stainless steel staircase that will start in the lobby and connect the second and third floors of the campus.
The architect, S2 Architecture, was so happy with the quality of the stringers bent for the staircase that they changed the finish requirement on the project.  Originally, the stringers were going to be skinned (covered) in wood, but because they looked so good upon receipt, the architect decided to leave the stringers exposed for all to see!
A total weight of 33,000# of TS 20” x 8” x .625” wall A500 GR B material was used to create:
·         3 inside stringers bent the easy way to a 10' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  6 1/4" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 20 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
·         3 outside stringers bent the easy way to a 16' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  4 1/8" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 28 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
·         1 additional inside stringer bent the easy way to a 10' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  6 1/4" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 24 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
·         1 additional outside stringer bent the easy way to a 16' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  4 1/8" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 34 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
The new Thomas Jefferson School of Law is being built to achieve LEED Silver Certification standards from the U.S. Green Building Council, which means it will have energy-efficient amenities and use materials made from recycled content, such as the carbon steel used to form the 60’ spiral staircase stringers bent by Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc.
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