Blog posts of '2014' 'November'

Spiral Staircase at Modesto Junior College Science Community Center
Albina Co., Inc. recently bent the spiral stringers, handrails, second floor guardrails, and observatory guardrails for the Science Community Center Observatory at Modesto Junior College in Modesto, CA. spiral staircase modesto junior college spiral staircase modesto junior college2 spiral staircase modesto junior college3
What is Elliptical/Parabolic Steel Bending?
Elliptial/Parabolic steel bending occurs when the material is bent in one plane, but the radius changes throughout the arc. A radius is the line segment that joins the center of a circle with any point on the materials circumference (see Center-Line Radius). Arc is defined as the curved portion of a bend. Below are some examples of elliptical/parabolic bends. elliptical/parabolic steel bending elliptical/parabolic steel bending2
Plate Rolling Products Produced at Albina Co., Inc.
Albina Co. Inc. is the #1 supplier of rolled plate for various applications: Casing Cylinders Rolled Plate Cylinders Stiffeners Curved Plate Sections for Earthquake Retrofits Concrete Column Wraps Tunnel Shoring Applications Tunnel Supports Tunnel Framework/Skeleton Column and Bridge Supports Cones Other Plate Formed Sections
Northwest Environmental Conference & Trade Show
The Northwest Environmental Conference and Trade Show is coming to Portland, Oregon December 9th and 10th. The region's conference for environmental, operations, and sustainability professionals, NWEC provides companies with information they need to stay competitive and ahead of the curve. Now in its 26th year, this signature event is presented by NEBC, Associated Oregon Industries, Oregon Dept. of Environmental Quality, and the Washington Dept. of Ecology. The educational component of the conference focuses on best management practices and advanced topics in environmental protection & compliance, sustainable business management, current & emerging policy issues, and the latest technologies & services. NWEC also includes the region's largest environmental trade show.
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