Check out the cover spot and three page feature article on Albina Co., Inc. in the June Rocky Mountain Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine. Pages 18-20! We had such a great time working with Linda and Kim to highlight and showcase all of the amazing curved steel projects we have done in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Some projects featured in the article include:
Sun Valley Music Pavillion in Sun Valley, ID. 220,000# of pipe rolled ranging from 10" Sch80 to 10" XXHCustom Signage at Entrance to Yellow Stone National Park Attraction "Buffalo Bill Cody Stampede Park"Ellie Caulkins Opera House Denver, CO. 210 lengths 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 3/16" angle rolled to numerous compound radii
The Vancouver Waterfront Project and Grant Pier Fabricator A2 Fabrication Earns 2019 Earnest Wiemann Gold Top Job Contest Award! Albina bent 2½" SCH40 T304 S/S, 1¼" SCH40 T304 S/S, 2½" SCH40 A53B ERW and 1¼" SCH80 A53B ERW for the curved steel handrails. We cut and bent the steel per the drawings and protected the finish of material during production and for shipping by wrapping the curved steel in foam and cardboard to keep parts from rubbing against each other. We bend handrails for commercial, recreational, transportation and residential applications. Handrail Kits Are Available: Bent and trimmed per drawing, mid-rails trimmed and coped, assemblies supplied as individual parts or fabricated complete. Call us for your next handrail project!
Check out the two-page feature article on Albina Co., Inc. in the May Southwest Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine. We had such a great time working with Linda and Kim putting the article together.
The article highlights several projects that we have participated in specifically in the states of Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. Our company history, philosophy and future goals are also touched on in the piece.
Albina Co., Inc. was the steel bender/roller for the Curved Steel Bio-Sphere buildings in Seattle, WA. Albina bent 750,000# and 1,050 pieces rectangular tube steel bent the easy way and a portion bent off-axis. Almost 8 miles of welding work and grinding was avoided because of Albina’s ability to bend a portion of the project. Almost NO correction was needed during fabrication or erection as the bends fit to the fixtures within 1/32nd of an inch!
Have you ever had trouble reading one of our quotes? I hope the answer to that questions is "No", but if for any reason it is not, we have put together a brief video to show you "How to Read Our Quotes." If quotes are not being read accurately, it is possible you are not comparing apples to apples when analyzing our quote against our competitor's quote. You could actually end of paying more if you do not understand what the quote consists of. The biggest thing is material. More often than not, we quote material on our bid, so our TOTAL number is more because material is included. You may look at the TOTAL number and think we are too high. BUT, instead of being "high" we were actually the LOW PRICE, once you compare apples to apples. Our quotes will consist of one or all of the following 3 elements: Material, Labor and/or Freight. Both the email you receive and the attached quote will clearly identify which of those 3 elements are included in the quote. Please take the time to watch this brief video so that you can understand what our quotes consist of and avoid the mistake of paying too much for a project.