“It is so fun to drop in!” Sherwood Skate Park just opened and it is awesome! Filled with kids every day! Albina was thrilled to be a part of the project bending 4 lengths x 20 ft. Tube Steel 2" X 2" X .188" WALL A500 GR B to a 42 ft radius and a 46 ft radius, as well as 3 lengths x 21 ft.: 2" SCH40 A53B ERW bent to a 12 ft radius and a 5 ft radius, for the lip/rail that runs the perimeter of the park as well as for the benches kids sit and skate on.
Albina recently completed a great project for a curved steel roof at the M-Car Wash in Davie, Florida
Materials bent for this project included Tube Steel 10" X 4" X .250" WALL A500 GR B yielding 3 pieces. Albina cut the material to length, prepped and primered each piece. Tube Steel 10" X 4" X .375" WALL A500 GR B- yielding 12 pieces bent the hard way. Albina's scope of work was to bend, trim, holes, weld caps and grind per drawings. NOMMA #1 finish welds. Prep and prime paint after fabrication. Exposed. We also bent 3" SCH40 A500 GR B to yield 15 assemblies. Albina Cut, Fit, weld and grind per drawings. NOMMA #1 finish. Prep and Prime after fabrication.
Albina recently bent various materials including tube steel, flat bar, pipe and angle for the Calvary Chapel in Ontario, Oregon. The Calvary Chapel is right on the Idaho border. Our bent material helped to create a lovely curved steel canopy for the chapel.
Materials Bent Include:
TS 10" X 3" X .375" WALL A500 GR B (7 lengths x 48 ft- bent the hard way to a 66 ft radius).
FB ½" X 4" A36 (2 lengths x 20 ft- bent the hard way to a 66 ft radius).
8" SCH40 A500 GR B (1 length x 42 ft).
TS 6" X 2" X .188" WALL A500 GR B (5 lengths x 48 ft).
“The Spheres”, the recipient of the AISC 2019 IDEAS2 Presidential Award for Excellence in Fabrication grace the cover of the August Issue of Structure Magazine! The article focuses on the inspiration, the vision and the design of "The Spheres." Albina bent 750,000# and 1,050 pieces rectangular tube steel bent the easy way and a portion bent off-axis for this project. Almost 8 miles of welding work and grinding was avoided because of Albina’s ability to bend a portion of the project. Almost NO correction was needed during fabrication or erection as the bends fit to the fixtures within 1/32nd of an inch! Numerous Pacific Northwest businesses collaborated to make The Spheres possible.
Curved Steel Sections of The Spheres Erected"The Spheres" Seattle, WA.
We recently worked with a customer on a unique project where they required curved Unistrut. We were able to successfully roll 1 5/8" X 1 5/8" GALVANIZED UNISTRUT the hard way to a 168” radius. A unique material for rolling! We figured out a way to maintain the shape while rolling and were able to bend 116 lengths! We received a comment from our customer that “no one at the jobsite had ever seen Unistrut curved before!"
The last few years have been sensational for Albina Co., Inc. We have seen a great deal of change in our industry and have been fortunate to recognize growth in our capabilities, capacity and in both our shop and office team members. We are excited to introduce the newest member of our Estimating / Project Management team, Joseph (Joe) Daniels. Joe is joining Aaron Hughes, Mark King, Brad Lund, Stuart Hasman and Brian Smith in Albina's Sales department. Joe has many years of experience in the steel and fabrication industry and has worked in Albina's shop, as an Ironworker, since July 2014. Joe has developed an outstanding reputation at Albina and will be a welcomed addition to our outstanding sales and estimating team. Joe possesses a comprehensive work ethic and will service Albina's customers just as you have grown accustomed to from the other members of our team. We are confident Joe's commitment to quality and integrity will make him a valuable resource as our company and your business continue to grow. You can contact Joe or any of our other existing sales staff with your estimating and technical needs at 503-692-6010. Joe's email is jdaniels@albinaco.com. Thank you for your continued support.
I'm proud of my hard work. Working hard won't always lead to the exact things we desire. There are many things I've wanted that I haven't always gotten. But, I have a great satisfaction in the blessings from my mother and father, who instilled a great work ethic in me both personally and professionally. -Tamron Hall
Father's Day is upon us! Father's Day is particularly important to me as I lost my father, Bill, over 8 years ago, and there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about him or get a reminder of him while at work. It can be a phone call from someone in the industry who used to work with him, it can be an old quote I see come across my desk with his name on it, it can be my daily rounds through the shop where I can still see him problem solving with a machine operator on a particularly challenging job. Whatever it may be, I always remind myself that I am a representative of the Smith Family and the steel bending business that my grandfather and father helped to build. Jaime and I have been building on their values for many, many years now and feel great about where we have been able to take the business. All three generations have worked in both the shop and office during our careers. A fourth generation spends their summers pulling weeds, washing windows and doing database entry in their spare time. We have four generations of family who believe in the steel industry and believe in the value of hard work. I have no idea if my son and daughter will be interested in taking over the family business some day, but if they do, I am confident that they will work hard, be honest and carry on the traditions we have lived by for the last 80 years! I am a proud business owner and a proud Father. Happy Father's Day to all you Father's out there!