Blog posts tagged with 'Bending Tee'

We Can Split Any Size Wide Flange Into "T" and Straighten To Mill Tolerances
We can split any size wide flange into "T" and straighten, in our profile roll bending equipment, to mill tolerances. Albina recently split W8 X 24# A992 into 192 pieces of WT4 x 12#. After splitting we rolled stem out to a 35 ft radius. We also bent 96 pieces of 4" X 4" X ΒΌ" ANGLE A36 to the same 35 ft radius (legout). All of the beam splitting and rolling was for a new City Office Building in Northern California. [caption id="attachment_1420" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]Steel Wide Flange Split into Tee Steel Wide Flange Split into Tee[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1421" align="aligncenter" width="1200"]Steel Wide Flange Split into Tee Custom Fabrication Process of Spltting I-Beam/Wide Flange[/caption]
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