Blog posts tagged with 'Current Events'

Explore "The Spheres" Online Now!
Building The Spheres was a project that began in February 2013 and just this month The Spheres will officially open. Numerous Pacific Northwest businesses collaborated to make The Spheres possible. The Spheres website is officially live and you can explore not only the building and the many milestones during conception and construction, but also the very unique plant life that inhabits The Spheres. Albina Co., Inc. was the steel bender/roller for the Curved Steel Bio-Sphere buildings in Seattle, WA. Albina bent 750,000# and 1,050 pieces rectangular tube steel bent the easy way and a portion bent off-axis. Almost 8 miles of welding work and grinding was avoided because of Albina’s ability to bend a portion of the project. Almost NO correction was needed during fabrication or erection as the bends fit to the fixtures within 1/32nd of an inch! Amazon Curved Steel Spheres [caption id="attachment_1427" align="aligncenter" width="600"]Amazon Curved Steel Spheres Curved Steel Spheres[/caption]
A Review of Trump's Infrastructure Plan
As we near Inauguration Day, lets take a look at Trump's Infrastructure plan and how it will affect the steel and manufacturing industries in particular. A few of Trump's infrastructure plans as obtained from (
  • Create thousands of new jobs in construction, steel manufacturing, and other sectors to build the transportation, water, telecommunications and energy infrastructure.
  • Put American steel made by American workers into the backbone of America’s infrastructure.
  • Implement a  plan for a cost-effective system of roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, railroads, ports and waterways, and pipelines.
  • Approve private sector energy infrastructure projects—including pipelines and coal export facilities—to better connect American coal and shale energy production with markets and consumers.
  • Incorporate new technologies and innovations into our national transportation system such as state-of-the-art pipelines, advancements in maritime commerce, and the next generation of vehicles.
  • Make clean water a high priority. Develop a long-term water infrastructure plan with city, state and federal leaders to upgrade aging water systems and wastewater infrastructure.
If Trump is able to follow through with some of his plans and promises, the steel industry could play a key role in rebuilding America's infrastructure.
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