Blog posts tagged with 'Murray Amphitheater'

Bending BIG Beams for the Murray Amphitheater in Murray, Utah
Got big beams to bend? Look no further than Albina Co., Inc.! We are just finishing up a beam bending project for the Murray Amphitheater in Murray, Utah. Murray Arts in the Park provides a summer full of artistic entertainment. The evening subscription series usually opens in late May and runs through Labor Day in the Murray Park amphitheater. This project consists of 55,000# of bent wide flange the hard way. All wide flange beams were bent to a radius that is tighter than 100 ft. The list of beams consist of: W24 X 76# A992 W30 X 108# A992 W36 X 135# A992 W36 X 170# A992 Albina will not shy away from any work (within our capacity) because it might be difficult to bend. We thrive on the difficult projects that others can’t do! Stay tuned for final installation pictures.
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