Blog posts tagged with 'Providence Medford'

Curved Steel at Providence Medical Center in Medford, Oregon
Albina Co., Inc. recently completed bending 21,000 pounds of curved steel for a Providence Medical Center located in Medford, Oregon. We bent Tube steel 8" X 6" X .250" WALL A500 GR B bent the Easy way to a 22 ft radius, tube steel 6" X 4" X .250" WALL A500 GR B Bent the Hard way to a 17 ft radius and Tube steel 6" X 3" X .250" WALL A500 GR B of which 4 lengths were bent the Easy way to a 23 ft radius and 4 lengths were bent the Hard way to a 17 ft radius. Lastly, we bent Tube steel 6" X 6" X .250" WALL A500 GR B Bent to a 44 ft radius. Curved Steel Medford Providence Medical Center
21,000 Lbs. of Steel Bent for Providence Medical Building in Medford, OR.
Albina Co., Inc. recently completed 21,000 lbs. of bent steel for a curved steel entry way and canopy at the Providence Medical Building located in Medford, Oregon. The bent steel material consisted of: Tube Steel 8" X 6" X .250" WALL A500 GR B Bent the EW to a 22 ft radius. Tube Steel 6" X 4" X .250" WALL A500 GR B Bent the HW to a 17 ft radius. Tube Steel 6" X 3" X .250" WALL A500 GR B 4 lengths bent the EW to a 23 ft radius and 4 lengths bent the HW to a 17 ft radius. Tube Steel 6" X 6" X .250" WALL A500 GR B Bent to a 44 ft radius. [caption id="attachment_1230" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Curved Tube Steel Providence Medical Building Medford, OR. Curved Steel Entry-Way at Providence Medical Building Medford, OR. [/caption] [caption id="attachment_1231" align="aligncenter" width="500"]Curved Tube Steel Providence Medical Building Medford, OR. Square and Rectangular Structural Tube Steel Bent to Various Radii[/caption]
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