Blog posts tagged with 'Recreational Pipe Bending Application'

2" Sch 40 Curved Steel Bollards for Vehicle Control
Albina is your steel bending expert for large material as well as small material! We just finished a project that required 650 safety bollards. Bollards are thick, low posts, usually made of iron or steel for the purpose of diverting traffic from an area or road and also often used on a wharf for fastening mooring lines. This particular project was used for auto traffic diversion and the bollards were constructed out of 2" SCH40 A53B ERW BARE, bent to a 6” center-line-radius x 180 degrees. We produce custom bollards for urban traffic and vehicle control, for fastening mooring lines, as barriers and barricades, for pedestrian security, for ornamental landscape structures and for unique bike rack solutions.
Does Your Construction Project Require Bollards?
Albina just recently completed work on a project that required 252 pcs of 2” Sch40 A53B ERW pipe bent for bollards. Each “staple” bollard was bent on a 6” center-line-radius (a double 90° configuration). All parts were held to a +/- 1/8” center-center dimension and they had to avoid all moisture (they could not rust). To avoid rust, all raw material and then finished product were store inside our facility. Prior to loading on a truck all parts were placed on pallets and covered with shrink wrap to protect them from moisture.
Curved Steel Water Feature in Florida
Albina Co., Inc. recently bent various steel pipe materials including  5” sch40 T304 stainless steel, 5" Sch10 T304 stainless steel and 4” sch40 T304 stainless steel for a curved steel water feature in Florida. Albina works on many projects including playground equipment, treehouses, spiral climbers and much more! [caption id="attachment_959" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Pipe Bending For Curved Steel Water Feature Pipe Bending for Curved Steel Water Feature[/caption] [caption id="attachment_960" align="aligncenter" width="221"]Pipe Bending For Curved Steel Water Feature 180 Degree Pipe Bending[/caption] [caption id="attachment_961" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Pipe Bending For Curved Steel Water Feature 5" Sch10, 5" Sch40 and 4" Sch40 Pipe Bending[/caption] [caption id="attachment_962" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Pipe Bending For Curved Steel Water Feature Recreational Pipe Bending Application[/caption]
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