Blog posts tagged with 'Request for Quote'

What Information Do We Need to Quote a Job Specifying Bent Steel Parts
The quick and easy way to find out what we require when quoting a project specifying bent steel parts is to visit our online Steel Bending and Fabrication Request for Quote form on our website. Below is a summary of the information that we need to accurately and efficiently quote your job: a) Company Name, Address and Phone Number b) Primary Contact Name and Email Address c) Description of your project d) What is you Bid Deadline? e) Material Type & Size f) Material Quantity g) Provide any supplemental drawing or attachments that will help us bid the job. Give us the chance to quote your next job that specifies bent steel parts! We are a dependable supplier! Not only can you count on parts arriving on time, but the level of customer service and quality of parts that we provide will exceed your expectations. We value the relationships that we have with our customers.
Are You Making Your Purchasing Decisions Solely on Price?
It seems that during this time of uncertainty in the US Economy, we are returning the 2008 trend where consumers make purchasing decisions based solely on price. If you chose the lowest price, you are opening yourself up to many more "costs" that are not necessarily represented in the quoted price. It might seem like a risk to purchase from a supplier that isn't the "lowest price." The rewards are greater than the risk. What is important to you? Do you want to receive the correct parts the first time? On-time delivery? Communication throughout your project? Proper documentation? Billing Procedures? The price of a competitor might be below ours, but when you add up all of the actual costs to receive and install the material, is there really a cost savings? If you chose the lowest price, you may deal with late delivery, poor quality or incorrect parts and a lack of or delayed communication. If you choose the lowest price, you will get what you pay for.
Albina Launches New Website with Tech Tool Box Feature
Log on and check out Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc.'s new website . We have created a website that provides you with all of the tools and reference material you could ever need to help you with all of your bending needs and questions.

Here are a few reasons you should mark Albina as a favorite!

Our Tech Tool Box feature was created especially for you-our customer! Here you can use our custom designed Bending Calculators to help you with all of your bending calculations, reference our Bending Tolerances, and look up our Tangent Material requirements. COMING SOON- A Spiral Math Calculator to help you with all of your spiral math calculations to create state-of-the-art spiral members .

Check out our modernized Capacities Chart complete with 2D, 3D, photographs and current capacities and capabilities for all of your Structural Bending in addition to Specialty Bending and Plate Rolling needs.

Get all the answers and arguments you could ever need for why architects, designers and engineers should choose curved steel over other architectural building materials and why Albina is the right bender for you in our Why Curved Steel? section.

Tons of other features including:
  • Bending/Rolling reference material and info broken down by material type, shape and size.
We would love to partner with you on your next bending project, please give us a call or email if we can be of assistance! We hope that you find our new site resourceful, effective and easy to use.
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