Blog posts tagged with 'Segerstrom Center for the Arts'

Curved Rectangular Tube Steel Bridge at the Segerstrom Center for the Arts
Segerstrom Center for the Arts, originally called Orange County Performing Arts Center, is a performing arts complex located in Costa Mesa, California, United States, which opened in 1986. Albina Co., Inc. recently completed rolling rectangular tube steel 6" X 4" X .250" WALL A500 GR B bent the hard way to a 14’-3” center line radius. We are unique in how we bend square and rectangular (HSS) for a number of reasons. When we roll bend HSS we typically fill the material with mandrels, where we turn the hollow material into a solid. This helps minimize distortion without increasing the thickness of the material. Also during roll bending we use custom made radius corner tooling to match the radius corner of different thicknesses of HSS material. This match between tooling and material result in much higher quality bends. When we bend stringers for spiral staircases we do not fill the HSS material with permanent structural members to control distortion. Instead, we have developed methods to hot bend or induction bend HSS materials to a spiral configuration without filling the hollow part of the material. This unique process allows our customers to take HSS stringers for their staircases without added weight or inconveniences of filler materials. [caption id="attachment_1276" align="aligncenter" width="1536"]Curved Steel Bridge Segerstrom Center for the Arts TS 6" X 4" X .250" WALL A500 GR B bent the hard way to a 14’-3” CLR.[/caption]
Induction Spiral Bending at Albina
Albina was recently awarded the bending for the Segerstrom Center for the Arts located in Costa Mesa, CA. This project consists of 48,000# of bending out of TS 20" X 12" X .625" WALL A500 GR B (4 lengths x 48 ft and 3 lengths x 60 ft). All of this material is being bent with our in-house designed induction bending method. 30% of the parts will be spiral bent while the other 70% of the parts are being bent the easy-way to various configurations and radii. We are working to a critical ship date and will certainly deliver as promised.
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