Blog posts tagged with 'Steel Spiral Staircase'

Spiral Staircases at the Newly Renovated Space Needle
Spiral Staircases at the Newly Renovated Space Needle

Albina Co. Inc. bent the spiral staircases at the newly renovated Space Needle in Seattle, Washington. The Space Needle's rotating glass floor, dubbed "The Loupe", is located just below the open-air observation deck and Albina Co., Inc. was the steel bender/roller for the custom spiral staircases connecting the two areas. Albina Co., Inc. bent 1" thick x 13 ¼" wide A572 GR 50 to yield three 180" pieces and three 144" pieces of rolled plate and 1" thick x 10-13/16" wide A572 GR 50 to yield one 80" piece of rolled plate. We also bent tube steel 10" x 6" x .625" WALL A500 GR B to a 11’ 6” inside plan view radius (the easy way).

Backside view of spiral staircase at the Space Needle

People walking on the spiral staircase at the Space needle

the space needle
Install Progress Picture of Curved Steel Spiral Staircase for the New American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas
Install Progress Picture of Curved Steel Spiral Staircase for the New American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas

Back in June, I posted a picture of some induction heating process, for the new American Airlines headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. In addition to the 16" square, we produced another set of 

steel spiral stringers for custom spiral staircase at new American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas

The 1.7 million-square-foot complex, dubbed the “Trinity complex,” consists of constructing four seven-story buildings. It will cost at least $300 million to build and will house over 6,500 employees. There are 10 tower cranes on the project and there will be more than 1,000 construction workers on-site during the peak. It is scheduled to open during the second half of 2019.  These are the type of bends that ONLY Albina can do!

Steel Spiral Staircase for the Moab Hoodoo Hotel- Curio Collection by Hilton
Albina recently completed some very complex spiral bends for a Spiral Staircase which will be installed at the new Moab Hoodoo Hotel, Curio Collection by Hilton in Moab, Utah. The 117-guestroom hotel will offer an upscale lodging option to travelers heading to the Moab desert community. The hotel will be surrounded by large sandstone monoliths that feature balanced stones, known as hoodoos. Materials bent for the spiral staircase consisted of: 4" X 4" X ¼" ANGLE A36 2 pcs bent leg out to a 7' 4" inside radius 2 pcs bent leg in to a 13' 0" outside radius C15 X 33.9# A36 2 pcs spiral bent to a 7' 4" outside plan radius. 2 pcs spiral bent to a 13' 0" inside plan radius. 1 pc bent in a single plane to a 7' 4" outside radius 1 pc bent in a single plane to a 13' 0" inside radius Spiral Staircase Moab Hotel- Curio Collection by Hilton
Custom 12" x 8" HSS Spiral Stringer for Spiral Staircase in Utah

We recently spiral bent tube steel 12" X 8" X .625" WALL A500 GR B Spiral the Easy way to a 173” radius for a customer spiral staircase located in Utah. Square and rectangular tubing is also known as HSS (hollow structural steel). Albina has the ability to bend both square and rectangular tubing. For rectangular tubing we can bend both the easy way (against the weak axis) and the hard way (against the strong axis). We can even provide Multi-Plane bending where we are bending both the easy way AND the hard way. Albina is a unique shop in that we can bend very small square materials such as TS ½” x ½” x .049” wall all of the way up to very large materials such as TS 20” x 12” x .625” wall, which happens to be the largest size that mills produce. Albina actually has a larger capacity than TS 20” x 12” x .625” wall, which means we can bend materials larger then what the mills produce!

HSS Spiral Stringer for custom Spiral staircase HSS Spiral Stringer for custom Spiral staircase HSS Spiral Stringer for custom Spiral staircase HSS Spiral Stringer for custom Spiral staircase

Spiral Rolled Plate for Spiral Staircase in Multi-Million Dollar Luxury Home on Green Street in San Francisco, CA.

We recently spiral rolled 1/2" and 1" plate for a custom spiral staircase in a multi-million dollar luxury home on Green Street in San Francisco, California. We provided the rolled plate for the staircase and then flat plane rolled the plate for the landings. The tightest radius was a 29.75” center line radius. Spiral Rolled Plate for spiral staircase on Green Street in San Francisco, CA. Spiral Rolled Plate for spiral staircase on Green Street in San Francisco, CA. Spiral Rolled Plate for spiral staircase on Green Street in San Francisco, CA.

Curved Spiral Staircase for the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences
Curved Spiral Staircase for the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences

Albina recently spiral bent several stringers for a state of the art spiral staircase for the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences in Lubbock, Texas. The Lubbock Entertainment and Performing Arts Association (LEPAA) has had the vision for this building since 2013 and broke ground just over a year ago in April 2017. The dance center will contain the entire operation of Ballet Lubbock, including six dance studios, parent and community space, production areas and administrative offices and expected to be complete in early 2020. Check out this website for artist renderings of the building and interior features such as the spiral staircase we bent consisting of: TS 16" X 8" X .625" WALL A500 GR C 16 pcs: Spiral bend the easy way Bent down to a 7 ft plan view radius. TS 10" X 6" X .625" WALL A500 GR C 10 pcs: Spiral bend the hard way Bend down to a 14’ 11” plan view radius. Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences

Curved Steel Spiral Staircase at the Capitol Visitors Center in Washington, D.C.
On a recent trip to Washington DC, we had the pleasure of touring the Capitol Building and we were able to capture some pictures of The Capital Visitors Center spiral staircase we bent years ago. The project consisted of flat and spiral bending of angle, channel, flat bar, solid square, wide flange (up to W18 x 76#) and square tubing (up to 10" x 10" x .500" wall spiral bent). [caption id="attachment_1302" align="aligncenter" width="3264"]Capitol Visitors Center Spiral Staircase Main Landing View of Capitol Visitors Center Spiral Staircase[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1300" align="aligncenter" width="1000"]Capitol Visitors Center Spiral Staircase Capitol Visitors Center Spiral Staircase[/caption]
Spiral Steel Staircase at Brickell Academy in Virginia Beach, VA.
Albina recently completed the spiral bending of 24 pieces of Tube Steel 14" X 4" X .500" WALL A500 GR B the easy way and 10 pieces of Tube Steel 12" X 3" X .375" WALL A500 GR B the easy way for a gorgeous spiral steel staircase at Brickell Academy in Virginia Beach, VA. All of the material for the curved staircase and landing was architecturally exposed structural steel. [caption id="attachment_1119" align="aligncenter" width="1632"]Spiral Steel Staircase Brickell Academy Floor View of Spiral Steel Staircase[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1120" align="aligncenter" width="1632"]Spiral Steel Staircase Brickell Academy Close Up View of Spiral Steel Staircase[/caption] [caption id="attachment_1121" align="aligncenter" width="1632"]Spiral Steel Staircase Brickell Academy 2nd Floor View of Spiral Steel Staircase[/caption]
Steel Spiral Staircase at University of Nebraska Business Administration Building
Albina rolled the following materials to create a beautiful multi-level steel spiral staircase at the University of Nebraska Business Administration Building. A spiral, circular or helical bend occurs in a plan view with rise in elevation. Steel spiral staircases are architecturally and visually appealing, functional and an effective use of space. 48 pieces Tube Steel 20" X 8" X .500" WALL A500 GR B 12 pieces Tube Steel 8" X 6" X .250" WALL A500 GR B 48 pieces Tube Steel 3½" X 2½" X .188" WALL A500 GR B 12 pieces Tube Steel 3½" X 1½" X .188" WALL A513 48 pieces Tube Steel 2½" X 2½" X .188" WALL A500 GR B 12 pieces Tube Steel 2½" X 1½" X .188" WALL A500 GR B 28 pieces Angle 3" X 3" X ¼" A36 [caption id="attachment_805" align="aligncenter" width="169"]Multi-Level Steel Spiral Staircase Multi-Level Steel Spiral Staircase[/caption]
Installation of a 60’ Curving Stainless Steel Staircase at to the new Thomas Jefferson School of Law
The Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, California is currently building a brand new $68.25 million downtown campus featuring a 177,000-square-foot school, a two-level library with surrounding balconies; a three-level underground parking structure; and ground-floor space for a law clinic, cafeteria, bookstore and retail store.  Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc. bent the recently installed 60’curving stainless steel staircase that will start in the lobby and connect the second and third floors of the campus.
The architect, S2 Architecture, was so happy with the quality of the stringers bent for the staircase that they changed the finish requirement on the project.  Originally, the stringers were going to be skinned (covered) in wood, but because they looked so good upon receipt, the architect decided to leave the stringers exposed for all to see!
A total weight of 33,000# of TS 20” x 8” x .625” wall A500 GR B material was used to create:
·         3 inside stringers bent the easy way to a 10' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  6 1/4" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 20 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
·         3 outside stringers bent the easy way to a 16' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  4 1/8" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 28 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
·         1 additional inside stringer bent the easy way to a 10' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  6 1/4" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 24 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
·         1 additional outside stringer bent the easy way to a 16' 1 1/4" Plan View Radius.  4 1/8" in 12" Pitch to net approx. 34 ft of bent material (ALL AESS).  All stringers turned Counter Clockwise Up.
The new Thomas Jefferson School of Law is being built to achieve LEED Silver Certification standards from the U.S. Green Building Council, which means it will have energy-efficient amenities and use materials made from recycled content, such as the carbon steel used to form the 60’ spiral staircase stringers bent by Albina Pipe Bending Co., Inc.
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