Blog posts tagged with 'buddy holly hall of performing arts and sciences'

The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences is a 2022 IDEAS2 National Award Winner!
The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences is a 2022 IDEAS2 National Award Winner!

The Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Science in Lubbock, Texas is a 220,000 square foot state-of-the-art campus featuring two theaters, event space, a full-service bistro and a ballet academy under one roof. Albina bent various materials for the signature spiral staircase in the Christine DeVitt Lobby. See the video below to get a sneak peek inside!


The projects is featured in the May edition of Modern Steel Construction. For more details on the entire project and to see a full list of winners check out AISC's website


TS 16" X 8" X .625" WALL A500 GR C
16 pcs: Spiral bend the easy way
Bent down to a 7 ft plan view radius.


TS 10" X 6" X .625" WALL A500 GR C
10 pcs: Spiral bend the hard way
Bend down to a 14' 11" plan view radius.



Steel Spiral Stringers for The Buddy Holly Hall of Arts & Sciences


Top Down view of the Steel Spiral Staircase at The Buddy Holly Hall of Arts & Sciences



Curved Spiral Staircase for the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences
Curved Spiral Staircase for the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences

Albina recently spiral bent several stringers for a state of the art spiral staircase for the Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences in Lubbock, Texas. The Lubbock Entertainment and Performing Arts Association (LEPAA) has had the vision for this building since 2013 and broke ground just over a year ago in April 2017. The dance center will contain the entire operation of Ballet Lubbock, including six dance studios, parent and community space, production areas and administrative offices and expected to be complete in early 2020. Check out this website for artist renderings of the building and interior features such as the spiral staircase we bent consisting of: TS 16" X 8" X .625" WALL A500 GR C 16 pcs: Spiral bend the easy way Bent down to a 7 ft plan view radius. TS 10" X 6" X .625" WALL A500 GR C 10 pcs: Spiral bend the hard way Bend down to a 14’ 11” plan view radius. Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences Buddy Holly Hall of Performing Arts and Sciences

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