15 Aug 2016
Steel Supported Bridge at Universal Studios Hollywood
Albina recently completed 65,000# of bent steel for a curved span bridge that connects Los Angeles' Metro Universal City City Red Line Station to Universal Studio Hollywood's Wizarding World of Harry Potter Attraction. Albina bent the following structural steel materials for the 400 foot, L-shaped bridge span bridge. 14” OD x .375” Wall bent down to a 60 ft radius 16” Od x .500” wall bent down to a 59 ft radius 17” Sch80 A106B smls bent down to a 59 ft radius 8.625” OD x .500” wall API-5L bent down to a 44 ft radius 8.625” OD x .625” wall API-5L bent down to a 202 ft radius The steel was fabricated by Thomson Metal Fab. Click her to read a recent article published in Modern Steel Construction. [caption id="attachment_929" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Pipe Bending for Universal Studio Hollywood Span Bridge[/caption] [caption id="attachment_930" align="aligncenter" width="300"]
Pipe Bending Ranging from 8.625"-17" OD Material[/caption]