Blog posts tagged with 'bay area'

Staircase Modeled After the Helical Structure of DNA takes Center Stage at New Biotech Facility
Staircase Modeled After the Helical Structure of DNA takes Center Stage at New Biotech Facility

Albina recently bent various parts for an interconnecting spiral staircase, modeled after the helical structure of DNA, at a new 1.6 million sq ft biotech campus in the Bay area. Materials: 1" OD X .120" WALL T304 S/S #4 FINISH, 1½" OD X .120" WALL 304 S/S #4 FINISH and 1½" OD X .180" WALL 304 S/S #4 FINISH
All railings and returns bent by Albina (flat rolling and spiral rolling).

Materials: PL 1" THICK X 14" WIDE A572-65, PL 1" THICK X 6.375" WIDE A572-65
Materials: 2½" X 2½" X 3/8" ANGLE A36, 2" X 2" X ¼" ANGLE A36
All misc. stair parts bent by Albina to various configurations.

Materials: PL 1" THICK X 14" WIDE A572-65
All Ribbon Helixes bent by Albina to a 3’-0” plan view radius (spiral rolled the easy-way).

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