Blog posts tagged with 'bending aluminum'

Rare Curved Aluminum Material Creates Overhead Canopy at Pacific Plaza in Dallas, TX.
Rare Curved Aluminum Material Creates Overhead Canopy at Pacific Plaza in Dallas, TX.

We had to mill order 12" SCH40 (.406" WALL) 6061-T6 Aluminum material to create the curved members for the overhead canopy at Pacific Plaza park in Dallas, Texas. This is a VERY rare material to get out of a mill. We ordered 30 lengths in total and bent, trimmed and marked top dead center on all parts. The material was bent to AESS (Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel) standards and very tight tolerances. Pacific Plaza has officially broken ground and is part of an urban renewal project transforming surface parking lots into a neighborhood park. The park is slated to be completed by the fall of 2019.

Pacific Plaza Park 12" SCH40 (.406" WALL) 6061-T6 Aluminum Curved Pipe
Pipes in bending process

Pacific Plaza Park 12" SCH40 (.406" WALL) 6061-T6 Aluminum Curved Pipe
Pipes Ready to Ship

Pacific Plaza Dallas, TX Curved Aluminum Canopy
Artist Rendering of Pacific Plaza Park Curved Structure
Curved Aluminum for Rock Guard Frames

We recently completed a job bending some rock guard frames out of 1" SCH80 6063-T52 Aluminum. Albina cut and bent the aluminum to net 500 pieces.  All of the pieces were bent on a 5" center line radius. It was quite an amazing site to see them all packaged and ready for shipment in our yard!

Curved Aluminum for Rock Guard Frames
Curved Aluminum for Rock Guard Frames
Curved Aluminum for Rock Guard Frames
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