Blog posts tagged with 'boutique hotels'

Curved Steel Handrails Frame Rooftop at Luxury Boutique Hotel Nikko in San Francisco
Curved Steel Handrails Frame Rooftop at Luxury Boutique Hotel Nikko in San Francisco

Albina Co., Inc. recently rolled some rooftop handrails for the Hotel Nikko, a luxurious boutique hotel in San Francisco. Materials bent included:

150 pcs- cut, cope, deburr and bent by Albina. Albina held the coped end at a specified dimension and left the other end long for field trimming. All rails were bent on a 4” center-line radius.

1½" SCH40 T316L S/S #4 POLISH
74 pcs- cut, cope, deburr and bent by Albina. Albina held the coped end at a specified dimension and left the other end long for field trimming. All rails were bent on a 4” center-line radius.

Curved Steel Handrails Hotel Nikko San Francisco CA.

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