Blog posts tagged with 'curved steel circular staircase'

New Residential Construction Features Magnificent Spiral Staircase
New Residential Construction Features Magnificent Spiral Staircase

We recently used our state of the art induction spiral bending process to help create a gorgeous residential staircase for a custom home by Tate Builders. Materials included TS 12" X 8" X .500" WALL A500 GR B Induction spiral bent to AESS standards to a 3’ – 6” plan view radius. 256” minimum bent and 1½" OD X .120" WALL T316 S/S Spiral bent grab rails- Bent and polished to a 180 grit finish.

Residential Spiral Staircase by Tate Builders

Residential Spiral Staircase by Tate Builders

To learn more about the "Minawetu" property visit the Tate Builders website or check them out on instagram

Spectacular Pipe Stringer on Display in the Lobby of the Volvo Cab Assembly Building
Spectacular Pipe Stringer on Display in the Lobby of the Volvo Cab Assembly Building

Albina recently spiral rolled 4 pieces of 14"OD X .500" WALL A53 GR B WHEELED to a 9'-4" plan view radius for both the spiral and landing support sections of the lobby spiral staircase in the Volvo Cab Assembly Building. Our Induction Heat Source and Increment Bending Method Produces Extremely Tight Spiral Bends to Industry Leading Quality AESS Standards. Check out our photo gallery of projects.

Steel Pipe Stringer Volvo Cab Assembly Building

Final Installation of the Spiral Staircase at the Arizona Biltmore Paradise Pool Slides
Final Installation of the Spiral Staircase at the Arizona Biltmore Paradise Pool Slides

The Arizona Biltmore (A Waldorf Astoria Resort) recently opened their new Paradise Slides and equally as impressive as the slides themselves is the spiral staircase used to acend to the top of the slides. Materials Albina bent for this project included tube steel, various sizes and widths of pipe and round tube as well as several pieces of angel and channel. Next Level Steel was the fabricator on the project.

Arizona Biltmore Paradise Pool Slides with Steel Spiral Staircase

A full list of bent materials includes:

TS 12" X 3" X .375" WALL A500 GR B

22 pcs spiral bent the easy way.  11 pcs bent to a 7’-4” outside plan view radius and 11 pcs bent to a 11’-0” Inside plan view radius.  All to AESS standards.

35 pcs bent the easy way (flat).  17 pcs bent to a 7’-1” inside radius and 18 pcs bent to a 11’-0” Inside radius.  All to AESS standards.

3" OD X .250" WALL A500 GR. B

112 pcs spiral bent to various radii and configurations all to AESS standards.

2½" OD X .188" WALL A500 GR B

6 pcs spiral bent to various radii and configurations all to AESS standards.

60 pcs bent (flat) to 3’-11” up to 5’-1” radii.


25 pcs spiral bent to various radii (7’-5” up to 10’-10”) and configurations all to AESS standards.

12 pcs bent (flat) to 7’-5” up to 10’-10” radii.


106 pcs spiral bent to various radii (7’-2” up to 11’-1”) and configurations all to AESS standards.

73 pcs bent (flat) to 7’-2” up to 11’-1” radii.

C4 X 5.4# A36

51 pcs bent (flat) the hard way to various radii and configurations

2" X 2" X ¼" ANGLE A36

260 pcs rolled – some leg-in and some leg-out.  To various radii and configurations.

3" X 3" X 3/8" ANGLE A36

1 pc rolled leg-out to a 7’-7” radius

1 pc rolled leg-in to a 11’-0” radius

3" X 3" X ½" ANGLE A36

47 pcs rolled – some leg-in and some leg-out.  To various radii and configurations.

4" X 3" X ½" ANGLE A36

1 pc rolled leg-in to a 11’-0” radius

Full View of the Arizona Biltmore Paradise Pool Slides with Steel Spiral Staircase

Final Install Pictures of Curved Steel Circular Staircase for the New American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas
Final Install Pictures of Curved Steel Circular Staircase for the New American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas

Thanks to Viva Railings LLC (Photo credit & Glass/Railing Fabricator) we have received some final installation pictures of the circular staircase at the "Trinity Complex", home to American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas. We spiral bent Tube Steel 16″ X 16″ X .625″ WALL A500 GR B bent down to a an 18 foot radius, using our induction heating process to create the spiral stringers for the staircase. In addition to the 16″ square, we produced another set of spiral stringers consisting of Tube Steel 14″ x 6″ x .625″ wall REALLY tight, exposed and bent to a 5′-6″ radius on a 45° pitch. These are the type of bends that ONLY Albina can do! The 1.7 million-square-foot complex, dubbed the “Trinity complex,” consists of four seven-story buildings. It cost nearly $300 million to build and houses over 6,500 employees. There were 10 tower cranes on the project and more than 1,000 construction workers on-site during the peak of the project.

Curved Steel Spiral Staircase for the New American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas

Curved Steel Circular Staircase for the New American Airlines Headquarters in Fort Worth, Texas

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