Blog posts tagged with 'curved steel for art projects'

Curved Steel Bar at Ninkasi Brewing Co. in Eugene, Oregon
Curved Steel Bar at Ninkasi Brewing Co. in Eugene, Oregon

Thank you to Avant Arc Quality Fabrication & Design, and Ninkasi Brewing Co., for giving Albina the opportunity to bend some cool parts for the Ninkasi Bar in Eugene, Oregon. Albina bent:
2" OD X .120" WALL HREW- 10 lengths x 20 ft to net 50 bent pieces- various degree bends all on a 12” radius.
2" OD X .120" WALL HREW- 4 lengths x 20 ft to net 40 bent pieces- various degree bends all on a 4” radius.
4" OD X .083" WALL T304 S/S- 2 lengths x 20 ft to net 2 bent pieces x 90° on a 55” radius and 2 bent pieces x 90° on a 44” radius.

Ninkasi Brewing Company curved Steel Bar

Ninkasi Brewing Company curved Steel Bar
Curved Stainless Steel Artwork at Camelback Commons Building
Curved Stainless Steel Artwork at Camelback Commons Building

We recently completed a unique curved stainless steel art project for Camelback Commons in Arizona. Albina Co., Inc. bent 8 pieces of 3" SCH40 T304 Stainless Steel. All parts were bent to a full scale layout and all points needed to be hit +/-½”. The tightest radius was a 36” centerline. Camelback Commons are multi-level buildings with an open atrium for businesses as well as apartments, just walking distance from the high-dollar Arizona Biltmore. Photo Credit: Creative Machines., Inc.

Curved Stainless Steel Artwork at Camelback Commons
Albina Featured as the Bender/Roller on Two "What's Cool In Steel" Projects in the August Issue of Modern Steel
Albina Featured as the Bender/Roller on Two "What's Cool In Steel" Projects in the August Issue of Modern Steel

Check out the August Issue of Modern Steel for “What’s Cool In Steel” Albina was the bender/roller on two of the featured projects including the Basher Pedestrian Bridge at the San Diego Zoo (pages 23-26) and a Des Moines sculpture titled “A Monumental Journey” by artist Kerry James Marshall (pages 30-31). We are working on securing some final install pictures of each of these projects! Stay tuned!

What's Cool In Steel

"Molecule" Curved Stainless Steel Sculpture at Winona State University
"Molecule" Curved Stainless Steel Sculpture at Winona State University

I often take time at the beginning of each new year to reflect on some cool projects we have done over the years and to make sure that we get those out to the digital world and share them with steel enthusiasts. One of the coolest art projects we have been a part of was the "Molecule" by Larry Kirkland for Winona State University in Minnesota.

Albina rolled 200, 12 foot lengths of ½" SOLID ROUND 6061-T6 Aluminum to net 133 full circles. Our customer then trimmed and fabricated the "Molecule" complete.

Molecule Curved Aluminum Art Sculpture at Winona State University
"Molecule" by Larry Kirkland

Molecule Curved Aluminum Art Sculpture Installed at Winona State University
"Molecule" by Larry Kirkland
6" Pipe Bends for Steel Rings Displayed at Hulu Convention

We recently bent 6" SCH10 A53A ERW rolled to a 4’ 0” radius. We were instructed to bend the material in 180° sections and the customer was then going to make them into full circles. It is our understanding that these rings will be hung from the ceiling, painted and wrapped in ribbon for a Hulu convention. 6" pipe bends for Hulu</a

Curved Pipe for Oak Harbor Wind Sculpture in Bellingham, Washington
Curved Pipe for Oak Harbor Wind Sculpture in Bellingham, Washington

We partnered with Architectural Elements, a specialty metals fabrication shop in Bellingham, Washington to create this wind sculpture for the city of Oak Harbor. Albina bent 3½" SCH40 A53B ERW WHEELED- 10 lengths x 42 feet for the project. The sculpture was designed by Architectural Elements design engineer, Kyle Thomas and the photos below are © 2018 by Melissa Marteny.

Curved Steel Oak Harbor Wind SculptureCurved Steel Oak Harbor Wind Sculpture

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