Blog posts tagged with 'ornamental'

Bent Steel Projects Featured in National Trade Publications
Albina Co., Inc. had the opportunity to feature several of their high-profile bent steel projects in many of the national trade publications during the month of February. NOMMA's (National Ornamental of Misc. Metals Association) Annual Buyers Guide features several spiral, circular and helical staircases using materials such as plate, pipe, tube and structural members. It also highlights some of the decorative gates, fences and signage that we specialize in. One new product that Albina is offering includes complete handrail kits. The handrails are bent and trimmed per the customer's drawing, the mid-rails trimmed and coped, and the assemblies are supplied as individual parts or fabricated complete! NOMMA Buyers Guide 2014 STRUCTURE Magazine's editorial focus for February is cold formed steel and bridges. Albina specializes in architecturally designed pedestrian bridges and walk-ways erected at transportation stations, universities, museums, large businesses, and state parks. Some projects featured include the Museum of Flight Pedestrian Bridge in Seattle, WA. and the Happy Hallow Zoo Pedestrian Bridge is San Diego, CA. STRUCTURE Mag February Ad
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