Blog posts tagged with 'signage'

A Closer Look at the Bent Tube Steel that Creates Lighted Marquee at the Moda Center
Albina recently bent Tube Steel 5" X 3" X .375" WALL A500 GR B and Tube Steel 6" X 4" X .375" WALL A500 GR B, all bent the easy way, to create the new lighted marquee at the Moda Center. The Moda Center is the home of the NBA's Portland Trailblazers. The bent tube steel was used to create the following letters: O, A, E (2), C, D. In addition to the marquee outside, we also bent to the tube steel that provides the base to the jumbotron scoreboard that hangs above center court. bent tube steel moda center bent tube steel moda center bent tube steel trailblazer scoreboard bent tube steel trailblazers scoreboard
Bent Pipe Creates Unique Signage for NBA's Moda Center
Albina Co., Inc. bent several pieces of custom pipe for the brand new marquee at the Moda Center, home of the NBA Portland Trailblazers. Installation of the marquee began on March 20th and the new lighting is targeted for next week. bending pipe for moda center In addition to the Moda Center sign, Albina has produced several custom signs created from various forms of bent steel. Some of our most noteworthy projects include: a) Eldorado Business Campus Meridian, ID. bending pipe eldorado business campus b) Happy Hallow Zoo San Diego, CA. bending pipe happy hallow zoo bending pipe happy hallow zoo bending pipe happy hallow zoo c) Curt Gowdy State Park Cheyenne, WY. tube bending curt gowdy state park
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