Albina recently bent 70 pieces of 2” XXH A53B ERW and 20 pieces of 2 3/8” 1018 Solid Round to various configurations for a new art installation at Cedar Sanai Hospital in LA. We can bend all types of pipe and tubing including aluminum, stainless and carbon steel. We even bend specialty materials such as copper, zirconium and titanium. View our Capacities Chart to see the wide range of materials and sizes we work with.
Blog posts tagged with 'steel art'
Albina recently rolled various sizes and lengths of plate for Sculptor Damon Hyldreth for his piece titled “Phoenix.” The piece measures 15 x 8 x 8 ft. and was commissioned by The Huntington, Duarte, CA
Materials rolled included:
5 lengths x 20 ft: 1" x 15" A572 Gr50 Plate
1 length x 7 ft: 1½" x 84" A572 Gr50 Plate
Albina is part of yet another "What's Cool In Steel" project! "Flourish", a gateway sculpture located in Lake Oswego, Oregon is featured in the December 2021 Issue of Modern Steel. Albina bent 6 lengths of 2½" SCH40 T304 S/S POLISHED- to a 32’-0” radius for “Flourish." The sculpture was installed as a welcoming gateway to the city and in addition, it addresses pedestrian and vehicular traffic along sightlines to the north and south on HWY 43.
For more information visit @ed_carpenter_artist or Photo Credits: Mario Gallucci and Ed Carpenter.
Abina reently partnered with @CreativeMachines to create some amazing curved steel artwork that will be installed very soon. The first piece we provided bent material for is titled "ACB Globe." Albina bent 12 lengths of 2½" SCH80 T304 S/S to a 6’-11” radius – 7’-4” radius.
The second piece we provided bending for is titled "Orbits Interweave" at NASA's Goddard Space Center. Albina bent 1 length of 3" SCH160 2507 SUPER DUPLEX S/S SMLS to a 19’-2” radius, 1 length 1½" SCH80 2507 SUPER DUPLEX S/S SMLS to a 13’-9” radius, and 3 pieces of 6" SCH40 A53B ERW to a 10’-2½” radius.
Albina loves to partner with local and national artists on fun and exciting projects like these! We help make curved steel art possible for corporate campuses, government buildings, museums, courtyards, entry-ways, university buildings and common areas, parks and much more.
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