Blog posts tagged with 'steel bending'

Bent Steel Featured at the "Marketplace at the City" in Surprise, Arizona
Albina Co., Inc. is happy to be part of the "Marketplace at the City" project Surprise, Arizona. "Marketplace at the City" is a 26,000 square foot single-story property located in Surprise, Arizona. Surprise is the fastest growing city in Arizona. The project represents a new trend in the delivery of healthcare, which involves bringing medical services to growing communities and placing them in retail locations. Albina Co., Inc. is providing approximately 20,000# of bent steel on this project consisting of Tube Steel 5" X 5" X .250" WALL A500 GR B and Tube Steel 12" X 4" X .250" WALL A500 GR B. A total of 46 pieces all being bent all to AESS (Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel) standards.
Albina is a Proud Supporter of the City of Tualatin's ABC (America’s Best Communities) Initiative
In 2016, the City of Tualatin, Oregon was named a national finalist for the ABC award. Many local businesses, including Albina, supported the cause to help the City of Tualatin win the 3 million dollar grand prize. In April 2017, we learned that Tualatin did not win the 3 million dollar prize, but we know that the City of Tualatin is truly one of the best in the nation. Albina, and the steel bending and fabrication community is proud of the efforts that City officials and local businesses made to help make our city one of the best in the nation!
What Information Do We Need to Quote a Job Specifying Bent Steel Parts
The quick and easy way to find out what we require when quoting a project specifying bent steel parts is to visit our online Steel Bending and Fabrication Request for Quote form on our website. Below is a summary of the information that we need to accurately and efficiently quote your job: a) Company Name, Address and Phone Number b) Primary Contact Name and Email Address c) Description of your project d) What is you Bid Deadline? e) Material Type & Size f) Material Quantity g) Provide any supplemental drawing or attachments that will help us bid the job. Give us the chance to quote your next job that specifies bent steel parts! We are a dependable supplier! Not only can you count on parts arriving on time, but the level of customer service and quality of parts that we provide will exceed your expectations. We value the relationships that we have with our customers.
What is the Most Important Thing You Look For When Choosing Your Steel Bending Vendor?
It is our pledge to our customers that you are never surprised at the end of a project. We will confirm our anticipated delivery schedule at time of order acceptance. If something occurs to change that anticipated delivery schedule, your project manager will contact you to make sure you are aware of any scheduling changes. Many of our return customers come back to us due to our unparalleled customer service and communication. One customer recently told Albina management that they have used other benders in the past and will only use Albina moving forward. Never had they been so well informed throughout the production process. Albina provided answers to questions before the questions were even asked. Another example of customer service is our automated shipping notifications. The morning after an order ships, Albina sends an email informing the customer of the method of shipment and tracking number if available. This will allow our customers the ability to track their shipment as soon as it hits the road. Also included with this email are any MTR’s, if required, so the customer doesn’t have to wait for these critical reports to arrive with the shipment. Our customers have the reports (electronically) even before receiving their shipment. We know that customers rely on the information we provide and make plans based on the information we provide. We strive to meet or exceed every customers wants and needs.
New Tooling for Roll and Draw Bending Machines
Albina continues to invest in capital assets to expand our capabilities and allow us to better serve our customers. Most recently Albina has purchased various tooling sets for our draw bending equipment and our roll bending equipment. This tooling will allow Albina to offer bends that we were unable to previously offer OR offer bends with a higher level of quality then in the past. Some examples of tooling we purchased include: • 14” OD round bend dies allowing us to roll bend 14” OD material on our Roundo R11 and R13 machines. • 2” Sch10 tooling (mandrel and wiper) allowing us to bend Sch10 material with no distortion (3d and 5d bends) • 3” Sch10 tooling (mandrel and wiper) allowing us to bend Sch10 material with no distortion (3d and 5d bends) Albina is always looking to add to our tooling list to increase the bending options we can offer our customers.
Experience the Steel Bending Process Like You Have Never Seen Before
The steel bending world, and life, is 360 degrees - now technology is too. We will be offering a drawing for a new Samsung Galaxy S7 Smart Phone and GearVR (virtual reality) googles next week when we exhibit at the NASCC (North American Steel Construction Conference) in San Antonio. Visit our BOOTH #8130 and see for yourself how awesome this new technology is and step into our virtual shop to experience the bending process first hand. One lucky winner will win a new phone and the virtual reality googles! Don't miss out on this opportunity. Sign up today!
Solar Panel Project Underway!
We are continuing our efforts to reduce our collective dependence on fossil fuel and we are installing a solar power system on our shop roof to derive clean, pure energy from the sun! We are doing our part to go green and reduce our carbon footprint. Here is what we are doing: • We are installing a 135kW (kilowatt) system. • The panels will be covering the roof of our 4th bay (this bay is 12,500 square feet)….that is a lot of solar panels. • Our building is perfect for solar as we have no shading and the panels will be southern facing for optimal efficiency for all seasons. • One array of solar cells will be 45 ft x 106 ft and the second array of solar cells will be 45 ft x 113 ft. • We will generate our own power for use. If we have excess power it will go back to the grid. What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint? Do you consider the what your vendors or suppliers are doing to combat greenhouse gas emissions and global warming? People who are continuously looking for ways to improve their output without having an adverse effect on the environment is the type of vendor you want working for you. Vendors who look for new and innovative ways to improve their business will be the same ones that will give you a quality product and care about the outcome of your project.
"If you Build It, They Will Come"
"If you build it, they will come!" Well, we are building up our network of social media platforms and we want to invite you to follow us on whichever platform you prefer to use in your daily life.  Check out our latest pictures on Instagram! Read reviews, customer quotes, job updates, and more on Facebook and Twitter. Check out our videos on YouTube! See videos, pictures, and news story collections on our Google Plus page.  And if you are like my kids and prefer SnapChat, guess what, we can do that to! I know it took us some time to get used to this new way of communicating, as both my husband and I value a good face-to-face or phone conversation, but we have decided to dive right in and embrace it! We will continue building our network and posting great content, so we encourage you to check us out!
What Do Our Customers Think About our Steel Bending Quality?
The following comments from our happy customers demonstrate the very reason that people should not make purchasing decisions based solely on price, especially when buying a product that requires precision and quality like curved steel. "We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Albina employees for their professionalism and expedited efforts that it took to perform their part in the bending and fabrication of the required tube assemblies. With the efforts of the Albina team, the fabricator was able to accomplish the expedited schedule that end customer required. We would like to mention that the customer was very happy with the work that Albina performed and commented that they have more projects they plan on sending our way. We look forward to working with you in the future." "The entire staff at Albina has been excellent to work with and up front and honest in the work that that was performed. I thank you and the Albina crew for setting the standard. I look forward to the next project that we get to send your way." Remember that there is a price and a cost associated with every job. The price of a competitor might be below ours, but when you add up all of the actual costs to receive and install the material, is there really a cost savings? If you chose the lowest price, you may deal with late delivery, poor quality or incorrect parts and a lack of or delayed communication. If you choose the lowest price, you will get what you pay for.
You Want the Best Product, Call the Team at Albina Co., Inc.!
Our office team is simply the best in the steel bending business! Each member of our Sales and Estimating team has longevity, experience and knowledge of the steel bending industry. We take great pride in our ability to quote jobs and manage them from beginning to end. We focus on communication, communication, communication! Our Quality Control and Equipment Maintenance teams ensure quality bent steel products and well-kept, high performing machines. Our shipping department focuses on combining long haul loads to keep costs down and we use dependable shippers with safe driving records. Our Accounting team makes doing business with Albina Co., Inc. a positive and seamless experience due to our extreme attention to detail and streamlined accounting processes. Our Executive Staff keeps our office running smoothly and focuses on customer support and getting people the answers they need in a timely manner. Our team is committed to working hard, working together and working efficiently to get the job done and to meet our customers’ needs on EVERY job, big or small! [caption id="attachment_955" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Albina Co., Inc. Office Team Albina Co., Inc. Office Team[/caption]
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