Blog posts tagged with 'stiffeners'

Bent Steel Tunnel Supports for an Arizona Customer
Albina can SUPPORT all of your steel bending needs. We were recently awarded a project to provide tunnel supports for a customer out of Arizona. We are processing 40,000# of bent steel tunnel supports for this particular opportunity. The project is being bent out of 60 ft lengths of wide flange W8 X 67# A992. We are providing AESS quality bends for all 45 pieces we are supplying. Each bend is to an 11’ radius the hard way. If you need a steel bending company to SUPPORT your needs, look no further than Albina!
Bending Bulb Flat Material
Albina Co., Inc. is an industry leader in bending bulb flat material.  Albina has been a supplier of bent bulb flat material for ship and barge building applications for the past 3 decades.  With the ability to bend bulb stem in and bulb stem out, Albina can take care of any of your stiffener needs for your next barge or shipbuilding project.  If you are unfamiliar with bulb flat material, it is a hot rolled product that looks like flat bar with one end having a “stem” sticking out.  Tata Steel referenced on their web site that bulb flat is far superior to other forms of steel (i.e. angle or flat bar) for stiffeners in both ship and barge building projects. Tata went on to indicated the following: “Cost savings begin from the moment you specify bulb flats for your project. These profiles have an excellent strength to weight ratio, a low paint area with no need for edge grinding prior to painting and require fewer lugs compared with alternative plate stiffeners. In-service costs are also reduced for the life of the vessel or structure. That’s because the rounded edges of bulb flats minimize paint degradation and their shape prevents the buildup of corrosive debris. They are also easy to access for inspection, cleaning and maintenance.” “The special shape of bulb flat profiles delivers an unrivalled strength-to-weight ratio, giving you the desired buckling resistance at a lower weight than is possible with flat bars or structural angles.” If you are working on a barge or ship building project and require stiffeners, call Albina, we are experts in bending bulb flat material.
Albina's Involvement in Tunnel Shoring Projects
Albina provides bent and curved steel components to assist with infrastructure improvements all over the US and Canada. These projects are critical to strengthening and/or improving our tunnels (pedestrian, auto/train, utilities, etc), mines, bridges, roads, water wells, concrete support columns, etc. Albina provides bent steel components to various fabricators and end users to meet the requirements for their numerous applications / needs- most of these projects are critical in nature and partially or fully supported with federal stimulus funds. Some products Albina produces includes:
  • Casing Cylinders
  • Rolled Plate Cylinders
  • Stiffeners
  • Curved Plate Sections for Earthquake Retrofits
  • Concrete Column Wraps
  • Tunnel Shoring Applications
  • Tunnel Supports
  • Tunnel Framework/Skeleton
  • Column and Bridge Supports
  • Cones
  • Other Plate Formed Sections
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