Blog posts tagged with 'treehouse structural supports'

Curved Steel "Treehouses" Provide Tranquil Break Area for Employees at the NVIDIA Corporate Headquarters in Santa Clara, California
Curved Steel "Treehouses" Provide Tranquil Break Area for Employees at the NVIDIA Corporate Headquarters in Santa Clara, California

Curved steel treehouse structures provide a tranquil and relaxing break area for the employees of NVIDIA, a computer hardware manufacturer, at the corporate headquarters in Santa Clara, California. Albina Co., Inc. was the steel bender-roller on this project. We bent 55,000# of bent material including:

TS 12" X 4" X .500" WALL A500 GR B

6 pcs bent the easy way to a 28 ft radius (30 ft of bent material per pc).  Material bent and trimmed by Albina.

TS 5" X 5" X .375" WALL A500 GR B

12 pcs bent to a 31 ft radius (16 ft of bent material per pc).  Material bent, trimmed and drilled by Albina.

TS 8" X 2" X .250" WALL A500 GR B

89 pcs bent the hard way to an approx. 32 ft radius (approx. 18 ft of bent material per pc).  Material bent, trimmed and drilled by Albina.

3" X 3" X ¼" ANGLE A36

12 pcs bent leg in to a 31 ft radius (15 ft of bent material per pc).  Material bent and trimmed by Albina.

TS 3" X 3" X .250" WALL A500 GR B

4 pcs bent to a 5 ft radius (7 ft of bent material per pc).  Material bent and trimmed by Albina.

TS 5" X 3" X .250" WALL A500 GR B

4 pcs bent the easy way to a 5 ft radius (7 ft of bent material per pc).  Material bent and trimmed by Albina.

5" X 5" X ½" ANGLE A36

6 pcs bent leg out to a 2 ft radius (1 ft of bent material per pc).  Material bent and trimmed by Albina.

Curved Steel Treehouse Structures at NVIDIA Headquarters

Curved Steel Aerial View of Treehouse Structures at NVIDIA Headquarters

Close Up View of Curved Steel Treehouse Structures at NVIDIA Headquarters

Structural Steel Bending for Treehouses
In July 2016, and article by Melissa Dalton was published in Oregons 1859 Magazine featuring treehouse architects Michael Garnier and Charles Greenwood. Albina has provided curved structural steel supports for the Garnier/Greenwood team on several of their projects. Click here to read the full article in 1859 Oregon's Magazine.
Bent Steel Beams for Custom Treehouse
Here is an update on the bent structural materials used to create a custom treehouse. Albina bent and fabricated various structural materials to create the floor supports and decking for a custom tree house in Sammamish, Washington. Materials used included: a) 3-1/2″ Sch80 and 5″ Sch80 Bare Pipe fabricated complete per drawings with brackets cap welded to ends b) 1/2″, 3/4″ and 3/8″ Rolled Plate c) Tube Steel 8″ x 4″ x .250″ Wall A500 GR B d) W6 x 15# A992 and W8 x 15# A992 Wide Flange bent steel i beam for custom treehouse1 bent steel i beam for custom treehouse2 bent steel i beam for custom treehouse3
Bent Wide Flange and Rolled Plate Installed in Custom Treehouse
Albina bent and fabricated various structural materials to create the floor supports and decking for a custom tree house in Sammamish, Washington. Materials used included: a) 3-1/2″ Sch80 and 5″ Sch80 Bare Pipe fabricated complete per drawings with brackets cap welded to ends b) 1/2″, 3/4″ and 3/8″ Rolled Plate c) Tube Steel 8″ x 4″ x .250″ Wall A500 GR B d) W6 x 15# A992 and W8 x 15# A992 Wide Flange Here are some updated pictures from the installation. Final install pictures coming soon! bent steel provides  tree house floor supports and decking bent steel provides  tree house floor supports and decking bent steel provides  tree house floor supports and decking bent steel provides  tree house floor supports and decking bent steel provides  tree house floor supports and decking
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