Blog posts tagged with 'National Steel Publications'

The Spheres Announced "Outstanding Project" Award Winner in 22nd Annual NCSEA Excellence in Structural Engineer Awards
The Spheres Announced "Outstanding Project" Award Winner in 22nd Annual NCSEA Excellence in Structural Engineer Awards

The National Council of Structural Engineers Associations (NCSEA) recently announced the 2019 Excellence in Structural Engineering Awards in the December issue of Structure Magazine. The Rufus 2.0 Spheres in Seattle, WA. Was awarded the “Outstanding Project” for New Buildings $20 Million to $100 Million. We worked with some of our amazing partners in the PNW on this project! Albina's portion included bending 750,000# and 1,050 pieces of rectangular tube steel bent the easy way and a portion bent off-axis for this project. Almost 8 miles of welding work and grinding was avoided because of Albina's ability to bend a portion of the project. Almost NO correction was needed during fabrication or erection as the bends fit to the fixtures within 1/32nd of an inch!

The Spheres Seattle, Washington
Updated Pictures of Basher Pedestrian Bridge at the San Diego Zoo
Updated Pictures of Basher Pedestrian Bridge at the San Diego Zoo

The August Issue of Modern Steel featured an article titled “What’s Cool In Steel” and one project highlighted was the Basher Pedestrian Bridge at the San Diego Zoo (pages 23-26). Albina Co., Inc. was the bender/roller on this project. Materials rolled for this project included 24 lengths, each measuring 48 feet long, of 16” OD X .0625”  wall tubing rolled to various radii including a 20 foot radius, a 50 foot radius and a 350 foot radius. Check out the pictures below and read the article for more detailed information on the fascinating curved steel bridge.

Basher Bridge: Curved Steel Bridge at the San Diego Zoo

Curved Steel Bridge: Basher Bridge at the San Diego Zoo

Basher Bridge: Curved Steel Bridge at the San Diego Zoo
"The Spheres" Grace the Cover of Structure Magazine
"The Spheres" Grace the Cover of Structure Magazine

“The Spheres”, the recipient of the AISC 2019 IDEAS2 Presidential Award for Excellence in Fabrication grace the cover of the August Issue of Structure Magazine! The article focuses on the inspiration, the vision and the design of "The Spheres." Albina bent 750,000# and 1,050 pieces rectangular tube steel bent the easy way and a portion bent off-axis for this project. Almost 8 miles of welding work and grinding was avoided because of Albina’s ability to bend a portion of the project. Almost NO correction was needed during fabrication or erection as the bends fit to the fixtures within 1/32nd of an inch! Numerous Pacific Northwest businesses collaborated to make The Spheres possible.

Curved Steel Sections of The Spheres Erected
Curved Steel Sections of The Spheres Erected

The Spheres in Seattle Washington
"The Spheres" Seattle, WA.
Albina Featured as the Bender/Roller on Two "What's Cool In Steel" Projects in the August Issue of Modern Steel
Albina Featured as the Bender/Roller on Two "What's Cool In Steel" Projects in the August Issue of Modern Steel

Check out the August Issue of Modern Steel for “What’s Cool In Steel” Albina was the bender/roller on two of the featured projects including the Basher Pedestrian Bridge at the San Diego Zoo (pages 23-26) and a Des Moines sculpture titled “A Monumental Journey” by artist Kerry James Marshall (pages 30-31). We are working on securing some final install pictures of each of these projects! Stay tuned!

What's Cool In Steel

Curved Steel Creates Signature Roof Arch for UC Health Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont, CO.
Curved Steel Creates Signature Roof Arch for UC Health Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont, CO.

Albina Co., Inc. bent at total of 24,000# of steel including 12 ¾" OD x .375" wall material and MC12 x 10.6# material for the new steel-framed UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont, Colorado. The project is featured in the July issue of Modern Steel Construction and the article details many of the structural design challenges as well as the importance of early involvement of specialty fabricators.

Curved Steel Roof for UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont, Colorado

Curved Steel Roof for UCHealth Longs Peak Hospital in Longmont, Colorado
The "Springfield Flame" Graces the Cover of the West Coast Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine!
The "Springfield Flame" Graces the Cover of the West Coast Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine!

Check out the cover spot and three page feature article on Albina Co., Inc. in the June/July West Coast Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine. Pages 24-26! Portland artist Devin Laurence Field produced the laser-­cut stainless steel flame sculpture and Albina Co., Inc. bent 18" STD A53B ERW 10 lens x 40 ft down to a 42 ft radius for the sculpture.

A2Z Manufacturing Curved Steel Artwork "Springfield Flame"

We had such a great time working with Linda and Kim to highlight and showcase all of the amazing curved steel projects we have done in Oregon, Washington, and California. Some projects featured in the article include:

Portland International Airport Curved Steel Canopy
Portland International Airport Canopy

Daly Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum  Curved Steel Roof
Dale Chihuly Garden and Glass Museum- Seattle, WA.

The Spheres Curved Steel Roof Supports
"The Spheres" Seattle, WA.
Utah District Courthouse Spiral Staircase Graces Cover of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine in June!
Utah District Courthouse Spiral Staircase Graces Cover of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine in June!

Check out the cover spot and three page feature article on Albina Co., Inc. in the June Rocky Mountain Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine. Pages 18-20! We had such a great time working with Linda and Kim to highlight and showcase all of the amazing curved steel projects we have done in Colorado, Utah, Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. Some projects featured in the article include:

Sun Valley Music Pavillion in Sun Valley, ID. 220,000# of pipe rolled ranging from 10" Sch80 to 10" XXH
Sun Valley Music Pavillion in Sun Valley, ID. 220,000# of pipe rolled ranging from 10" Sch80 to 10" XXH

Curved Steel Signage at Entrance to Yellow Stone National Park Attraction "Buffalo Bill Cody Stampede Park"
Custom Signage at Entrance to Yellow Stone National Park Attraction "Buffalo Bill Cody Stampede Park"

Ellie Caulkins Opera House Denver, CO. 210 lengths 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 3/16" angle rolled to numerous compound radii
Ellie Caulkins Opera House Denver, CO. 210 lengths 1-1/2" x 1-1/2" x 3/16" angle rolled to numerous compound radii
Feature Article & Cover Shot in May SW Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine
Feature Article & Cover Shot in May SW Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine

Check out the two-page feature article on Albina Co., Inc. in the May Southwest Edition of A2Z Manufacturing Magazine. We had such a great time working with Linda and Kim putting the article together.

The article highlights several projects that we have participated in specifically in the states of Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico. Our company history, philosophy and future goals are also touched on in the piece.

A2Z Manufacturing Cover Shot Curved Steel at Sloan Park Home of Cubs Spring Training
50,000# of Bent Steel Provided by Albina Co., Inc. for Sloan Park- Home of the Chicago Cubs Spring Training Facility
Feature Article in "Tube & Pipe Journal" Magazine
Feature Article in "Tube & Pipe Journal" Magazine

As we continue to strive to be an industry leader with our "out of the box thinking" and with our push to work smarter with the use of technology, we sat down for an interview with the "Tube & Pipe Journal" to discuss what exactly we are doing to achieve our goals. Log into the digital edition of the "Tube & Pipe Journal" to read the fabulous article written by Eric Lundin!

FREE DOWNLOAD of AISC's Design Guide 33: Curved Member Design AVAILABLE NOW!

AISC recently released the first ever Design Guide of its kind in the United States offering information on the fabrication, design and detailing of curved members and we are offering you a FREE DOWNLOAD of the Design Guide from AISC.

Design Guide 33 was a collaborative effort of the members of the AISC Bender/Roller committee. We worked together for many years to provide this invaluable resource for the industry. Modern Steel Construction recently published an article titled "Design with a Twist" in the October 2018 Issue giving a brief highlight of topics covered in the Design Guide. AISC also created a very insightful webinar for their continuing education program titled "Design of Curved Members." If you are interested in obtaining a print copy of the Design Guide to assist with your efforts in specifying curved steel members, please contact us and we will be happy to get one to you!

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